Monday, October 24, 2011

Social Controversies

The 1970s was a great decade where every single conversation fully played a role in the lives of Americans. One of the more prominent conversations was the one dealing with social controversies.  During the early seventies there was as major conflict in which a semi-big disagreement was sparked. On April 30, 1970 President Nixon publicized that U.S. troops had invaded Cambodia to clear out Vietnamese and Vietcong supply centers. When college student, across the country, heard this announcement they began to protest. On May forth disaster hit Kent State University in Ohio, where there was a massive student protest. The protest got a little out of hand and the National Guard was called in.  The National Guard fired live ammunition to the protesters crowd and that day four people were killed.
Also, during this time the First gay march occurred. Creig Rodwell organized the Christopher Street Liberation Day. The march, held in New York on June 28, 1970, was the first gay pride march in the U.S., covering 51 blocks from Christopher Street to Central Park. Today, LGBT pride parades are held annually in multiple cities and countries throughout the world. The month of June is widely considered Gay Pride Month.

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